Category: 1962

Report. Archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort in 1962.

Kustin, A. (1962). Report. Archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort in 1962. (EST: Aruanne. Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest 1962. a.) Read the report: here....

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Randvere burial site in Saaremaa

Kustin, A. (1962). Randvere burial site in Saaremaa. (EST: Randvere kivikalmistu Saaremaal.) – Muistsed kalmed ja aarded. Arheoloogiline kogumik II. (toim.) Harri Moora.   Read the...

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About shared herding in Saaremaa. (EST)

Liiv, I. (1962). About shared herding in Saaremaa (EST: Ühiskarjatamisest Saaremaal). Etnograafia Muuseumi Aastaraamat XVIII, Tartu. Read the article (EST): here....

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The historical sites of Saaremaa and Muhu from the start of feudalism. (EST)

Kustin, A. (1962). The historical sites of Saaremaa and Muhu from the start of feudalism (from the 11th century until the start of the 13th century). (EST: Saaremaa ja Muhu muistised feodalismi...

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Kustin, A. (1962). The historical sites of Saaremaa and Muhu from the start of feudalism (from the 11th century until the start of the 13th century). (EST: Saaremaa ja Muhu muistised feodalismi...

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