Tag: marika mägi

Early Christian burials at Valjala churchyard, Saaremaa

Mägi, M.; Malve, M. & Toome, T. (2019). Early Christian burials at Valjala churchyard, Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2018, 93−118. Read the article: here....

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Late Viking Age burial place and ritual deposits at Lööne, Saaremaa.

Mägi, M. (2019). Late Viking Age burial place and ritual deposits at Lööne, Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2018, 69−78. Read the article: here....

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Gold and Silver Artefacts From Saaremaa (EST)

Mägi, M. (2019). Gold and Silver Artefacts From Saaremaa. (EST: Kuld- ja hõbeesemed Saaremaalt). Tutulus: Eesti arheoloogia aastakiri, 2019, 2−4. Read the article (EST): here....

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Pre-Viking and early Viking Age sacrifical place at Viidumäe, eastern Saaremaa

Mägi, M.; Jets, I.; Riiel, R.; Allmäe, R.; Limbo-Simovart, J. (2015). Pre-Viking and early Viking Age sacrifical place at Viidumäe, eastern Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis =...

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Local shape, foreign decoration. Shared cultural values in dress pins from the Viidumäe sacrificial site on Saaremaa.

Jets, I., Mägi, M. (2015). Local shape, foreign decoration. Shared cultural values in dress pins from the Viidumäe sacrificial site on Saaremaa. Fornvännen. Journal of Swedish antiquarian...

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Archaeological fieldwork at Viidumäe cult site

Mägi, M.; Riiel-Mürk, R.; Jets, I. (2016). Archaeological fieldwork at Viidumäe cult site. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2015, 89−96.   Read the...

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The origin of Rus’ and the question of Balto-Finnic role in this process.

Mägi, M. (2016). The origin of Rus’ and the question of Balto-Finnic role in this process. In: Jackson, T. (Ed.). The Earliest States of Eastern Europe. Old Rus’ and Medieval Europe: the...

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Estonian Viking-Age Penannular Brooches and Ornament.

Mägi-Lõugas, M. (1994). Estonian Viking-Age Penannular Brooches and Ornament. (EST: Eesti viikingiaegsed hoburaudsõled ja nende ornament.) Eesti TA Toim. Humanitaar- ja Sotsiaalteadused 43, 4...

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At the Crossroads of Space and Time. Graves, Changing Society and Ideology on Saaremaa (Ösel), 9th–13th centuries AD. 

Mägi, M. (2002). At the Crossroads of Space and Time. Graves, Changing Society and Ideology on Saaremaa (Ösel), 9th–13th centuries AD. Tallinn: Ajaloo Instituut, Tallinn/Center of Baltic...

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Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest.

Mägi, M. (2020). Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest. In: Mänd, A. & Tamm, M. (Ed.). Making Livonia: Actors...

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