A major international conference on the study of sagas opened this morning at Tallinn University. The first half of the conference took place at the University of Helsinki. A true example of...
Although shawl was a widespread clothing item, no clear evidence of one has been found from the prehistoric or medieval sites of Saaremaa. Textiles simply do not preserve over hundreds of years as...
Kustin, A. (1964). Report of the excavation of uncremated burial site of Viira at Muhu in 1962. (EST: Aruanne Muhu Viira laibakalmistu kaevamisest 1962.a.) Tallinn, 19. February 1964.a. Read...
Livonian Chronicle of Henry: Heinrici chronicon Livoniae. (EST: Henriku Liivimaa kroonika). (1982). Tarvel, Enn (edit.); Kleis, R. (transl.). Publisher: Tallinn, Eesti Raamat. Read the chronicle...
Konsa, M.; Allmäe, R.; Maldre, L.; Vassiljev, J. (2009). Rescue excavations of a Vendel era boat-grave in Salme, Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia,...
Kesküla, K. (2009). Traces of vikings in the history of Saaremaa. (EST: Viikingite jäljed Saaremaa ajaloos). Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 2007–2008 (36−60). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum....
Mägi, M. (1999). The story of one noble family. Tuulingumäe tarand-grave at Tõnija. (EST: Ühe ülikupere lugu. Tuulingumäe tarandkalme Tõnijal). Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 1997–1998...