We are pleased to announce that, in addition to Kristjan Rahu, other entrepreneurs from Saaremaa who care deeply about the preservation of our history and cultural heritage have decided to support...
Mägi, M. (2021). Viking Age and Medieval harbour site at Mullutu insouthern Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2020, 107−120. Read the article: here....
Sandrak, P. S. (2022). The socio-political landscape of 13th century Saaremaa from the perspective of Valjala-Karja parish (EST: 13. sajandi Saaremaa sotsiopoliitiline maastik Valjala-Karja...
Kivisild, T., Saag, L., Hui, R., Biagini, SA., Pankratov, V., D’Atanasio, E., Pagani, L., Saag, L., Rootsi, S., Mägi, R., Metspalu, E., Valk, H., Malve, M., Irdt, K., Reisberg, T., Solnik, A.,...
The past year has been a very busy one for Foundation Osiliana and here are some glimpses from the past year: (a) archaeological inspections around the villages of Salme, Suurna and Lassi,...
https://youtu.be/xnbCNPgUSKk The video introduces the Medieval Ages of Saaremaa. Authors: Kristo Siig, Martin Männik, Marika Mägi, Piia Sandra Palm. Thanks: Tuuli Kurisoo, Ragnar Saage. The video...
https://youtu.be/w-4x123UdW0 The video introduces the Viking Age of Saaremaa. Authors: Kristo Siig, Martin Männik, Marika Mägi, Piia Sandra Palm. The video was made in the framework of the project...
Take a trip back to the Viking Age in Saaremaa or visit the ancient Lepna mortuary house – see new micro-documentaries about Saaremaa’s history! In the framework of the science...
Most of Saaremaa’s archaeological finds are held in the collection of the Saaremaa Museum and in the Tallinn University Research Collection. You can search this database: in the main search...