Author: Piia Sandrak

Report of the excavation of uncremated burial site of Viira at Muhu in 1962. (EST)

Kustin, A. (1964). Report of the excavation of uncremated burial site of Viira at Muhu in 1962. (EST: Aruanne Muhu Viira laibakalmistu kaevamisest 1962.a.) Tallinn, 19. February 1964.a.  Read...

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Kustin, A. (1964). Report of the excavation of uncremated burial site of Viira at Muhu in 1962. (EST: Aruanne Muhu Viira laibakalmistu kaevamisest 1962.a.) Tallinn, 19. February 1964.a.  Read the...

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Additions to the Research of Farmhouses of Saaremaa.

Tiik, L. (1976). New Additions to the Research of Farmhouses of Saaremaa. (EST: Lisandeid Saaremaa taluehitiste uurimise alalt.) Etnograafia Muuseumi Aastaraamat XXIX, Tallinn. Read the article...

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Archaeological apron finds from Estonia. (EST)

Rammo, R. (2006). Archaeological apron finds from Estonia. (EST: Eesti arheoloogilistest põlleleidudest.) Valk, H. (Toim.). Etnos ja kultuur (249−265). . Tartu, Tallinn: OÜ Greif. (Muinasaja...

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Forschungen in Gebiet der Rauasaatmemäed von Tuiu in Saaremaa (Estland).

Peets, J. (1996). Forschungen in Gebiet der Rauasaatmemäed von Tuiu in Saaremaa (Estland). The Importance of the Ironmaking. Technical Innovation and Social Change II. Papers presented at the...

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About the excavation of underground uncremated burial site of Loona in Kihelkonna parish. (EST)

Kustin, A. (1959). About the excavation of underground uncremated burial site of Loona at Kihelkonna parish in 1956-1959. (EST: Kihelkonna Loona maa-aluse laibakalmistu kaevamisest 1956.-1959.a.)...

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The Lihulinn Sronghold in North-Western Saaremaa.

Ligi, P.; Mägi, T.; Peets, J. (1996). The Lihulinn Sronghold in North-Western Saaremaa. In: Hackens, T., Hicks, S., Lang, V., Miller, U., & Saarse, L., (eds.) (Ed.). Coastal Estonia. Recent...

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Stone circle graves in Kurevere at Saaremaa.

Kustin, A. (1966). Stone circle grave in Kurevere at Saaremaa. (EST: Kiviringkalme Kureveres Saaremaal.) Moora, H.; Selirand, J. (toim). Pronksiajast varase feodalismini. Uurimusi Baltimaade ja...

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Kustin, A. (1966). Stone circle grave in Kurevere at Saaremaa. (EST: Kiviringkalme Kureveres Saaremaal.) Moora, H.; Selirand, J. (toim). Pronksiajast varase feodalismini. Uurimusi Baltimaade ja...

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Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia.

Veski, S.; Heinsalu, A.; Kirsimae, K.; Poska, A.; Saarse, L. (2001). Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia....

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