Author: Piia Sandrak

The age of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters.

Rasmussen, K.; Aaby, B.; Gwozdz, R. (2000). The age of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters. Meteoritics. 35. 1067-1071. Read the article: here....

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Rasmussen, K.; Aaby, B.; Gwozdz, R. (2000). The age of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters. Meteoritics. 35. 1067-1071. Read the article: here....

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Metsar, L. (1950). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST: Aruanne...

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Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST)

Metsar, L. (1950). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST: Aruanne...

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Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish. (EST)

Moora, H. (1926). Report. Archaeological aexcavations carried out by prof. A. M. Tallgren in Käku village at Kaarma parish nearby the Kalme cottager. 27th July 1926. (EST: Aruanne....

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Moora, H. (1926). Report. Archaeological aexcavations carried out by prof. A. M. Tallgren in Käku village at Kaarma parish nearby the Kalme cottager. 27th July 1926. (EST: Aruanne. Arheoloogilistest...

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Metsar, L. (1948). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish. (EST: Aruanne Kaarma valla Käku küla...

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The specialty of West-Estonian folk costumes. (EST)

Voolmaa, A. (1976). The specialty of West-Estonian folk costumes. (EST: Lääne-Eesti saarte rahvarõivaste omapärast.) Etnograafia Muuseumi Aastaraamat XXIX, Tallinn. Read the article: here.  ...

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Voolmaa, A. (1976). The specialty of West-Estonian folk costumes. (EST: Lääne-Eesti saarte rahvarõivaste omapärast.) Etnograafia Muuseumi Aastaraamat XXIX, Tallinn. Read the article: here.  ...

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