Metsar, L. (1950). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST: Aruanne...
Moora, H. (1926). Report. Archaeological aexcavations carried out by prof. A. M. Tallgren in Käku village at Kaarma parish nearby the Kalme cottager. 27th July 1926. (EST: Aruanne....
Saage, R. (2011). The historical monuments of Käku. Mapping of the monuments witharchaeological and natural scientific methods (EST: Käku muististe kompleks. Arheoloogiline ja loodusteaduslik...
Saage, R. (2013). The Smithy site of Käku. Archaeology outdoors and indoors. (EST: Käku sepikoda. Arheoloogia väljas ja sees.) Jüri Peets; Ain Mäesalu (juh). Tartu Ülikool,...
Saage, R.; Peets, J.; Kulu, P.; Peetsalu, P.; Viljus, M. (2017). Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, XXXIV,...
Saage, R. (2012). The smiths of Saaremaa knew their trade. (EST: Saaremaa sepad tundsid oma kunsti.) Tutulus: Eesti arheoloogia aastakiri, 4−7. Read the article (EST): here....
Peets, J.; Saage, R.; Maldre, L. (2013). The medieval and early modern smithy site of Käku. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2012, 93−108. Read the article:...