Mägi, M. (2021). Viking Age and Medieval harbour site at Mullutu insouthern Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2020, 107−120. Read the article: here....
Kivisild, T., Saag, L., Hui, R., Biagini, SA., Pankratov, V., D’Atanasio, E., Pagani, L., Saag, L., Rootsi, S., Mägi, R., Metspalu, E., Valk, H., Malve, M., Irdt, K., Reisberg, T., Solnik, A.,...
Mägi, M. (2022/2023). Archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort in 2021. Report of excavations. Excavations A, B and C. (EST: Arheoloogilised kaevamised Valjala maalinna...
Mägi, M. (2021). Scandinavian chieftains in Saaremaa? Archaeological investigations in Ure, a probable Roman Period sacrificial place. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 73−90. Read the...