
Our database is free to use for all history and archaeology enthusiasts. If you use our database, please do not forget to cite correctly:

Mägi, Marika; Palm, Piia Sandra. Archaeological Artefacts of Saaremaa. Foundation Osiliana / Tallinn University. Accessed: date.

The Osiliana Archaeological Database presents artefacts from Saaremaa and the surrounding small islands.


The database contains mainly Iron Age and Medieval finds that can be classified.

Undated metal or other pieces were generally excluded from the database.

Ceramics are represented by isolated examples.



The database is a work in progress and is constantly being updated.

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Silver-plated propeller-shaped mount, bronze, two fragments. 1/4 of a double-propeller-shaped fitting. On one side a residue of a silver plating with an ornament is visible: a dotted line and a fine margin on the rounded part.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:1

Double-propeller-shaped mount, bronze.  The upper part has been plated with silver. From one end it has been attached to a 2-mm-thick strap.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:4

Gold ring (spiral bracelet or neck ring rolled together), with the so-called serpent-head ends. Type C (Fernstål 2004), weight 175 g. Serpent-head is a general term for a variety of golden neck-rings, bracelets (including spiral ones), and rings in Northern Europe. Serpent-head rings were used in a fairly short period of time, from 210-330 AD. Many researchers consider these as symbols for the dukes or royal dynasties which would also explain the fact that they were used by both, men and women. Many of these sort of rings have been found from sacrificial places.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:11

Arc of a crossbow brooch, silver + gold + iron. The backward-shaped feet form the needle store which was wrapped at the end as wire for six rounds around the middle part of the arc. The head knob of the arc has a circular cross-section and in the hole of it a residue of an iron spiral axis. The brooch is ornamented in four places with two silver ring garnets which have a gold plate in-between. The gold plates have had embossed ornament. On the gold plate at the bottom of the foot, a small head of a bird and two diagonal stripes can be distinguished. The next one after this has diagonal embossed stripes and two birds. Another after that depicts the bird as well, flanked by a central ring and surrounding ovals of a flower. The uppermost plaque shows the image of a bird with a band of diagonal stripes below it. This is a typical Estonian brooch type, the only exception being the embossed ornamentation on the gold plaques as usually a reticulated pattern is used.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:18

Piece of gold plate from a crossbow brooch (?), most probably from the arc. Embossed ornament with two zones of buttons and two zones of slashes between them. Ornament is similar to that of brooch nr SM10862:18.

Discovery code:

Propeller-shaped mount, bronze. It has been hanging from a belt, fixed with the broken part.

Discovery code:
SM 10863:33

Crossbow brooch, bronze. The upper part is missing. The foot has been bent backward for a needle container and wrapped around the arch like a wire for four times. Underneath that and towards the foot of the arch are traces of gold plating.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:51

Propeller-shaped belt fitting, bronze.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:90

Fragment of propeller-shaped belt fitting, iron.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:117

The negative value refers to time Before Christ.