
The Osiliana archaeological database brings together artefacts from Saaremaa and the surrounding small islands.

Most of Saaremaa’s archaeological finds are held in the collection of the Saaremaa Museum and in the Tallinn University Research Collection.

We are gradually adding more and more finds and hope that it will become a useful tool for all history and archaeology enthusiasts!

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Crossbow brooch fragment, bronze and iron. A spiral axis that is made out of bronze wire and wrapped around the iron stick. The arc has an oval cross-section and it has the markings of ring decorations. The place where the spiral axis is attached to the arc is shaped as a flat cross-section and ends with an approx. 1 cm long head knob with a circular cross-section.

Discovery code:

Crossbow brooch fragment, bronze and iron. The top part of the arc and one branch of the spiral axis. Similar to brooch SM 10862:16. It also had a similar head knob to that, but it is broken.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:13

Crossbow brooch fragment, silver and bronze. The upper part of the arc of the brooch. There used to be a silver ring garniture on the neck. Probably there have been two silver ring garnitures with a triple bronze(?) set between them, lower than the previous one. The fractured cross-section of the neck is square, head is flat.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:22

Artefact fragment, bronze. Circular cross-section. Perhaps part of a pin shaft.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:43

Artefact fragment, bronze. Curved, with circular cross-section. Perhaps fragment of a ring?

Discovery code:
SM 10862:34

Fragment of crossbow brooch, silver + bronze + iron. The upper part of the arch, pierced by a spiral shaft; some iron is preserved in the hole. The knob is wrapped in silver wire. On the top of the neck, are three silver-wire hoop sets, and between them an embossed band imitating the previous ones. The neck has a square cross-section.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:62

Artefact fragment, iron. Fragment of the shaft (of a spearhead?), narrowing towards one end. The diameter is 1.8-2 cm, the length is 3.5 cm.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:142

Fragment of a spearhead (?) shaft, iron, diameter is 1.8-2 cm.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:164

Neck-ring fragment, bronze. Flat hoop tip, which has one side decorated with rings. The arch near the hoop is twisted for approx. around 9 cm and after it, there is a circular cross-section.

Discovery code:
SM 10862:185

The negative value refers to time Before Christ.