Tag: käku

Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST)

Metsar, L. (1950). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST: Aruanne...

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Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish. (EST)

Moora, H. (1926). Report. Archaeological aexcavations carried out by prof. A. M. Tallgren in Käku village at Kaarma parish nearby the Kalme cottager. 27th July 1926. (EST: Aruanne....

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The historical monuments of Käku. Mapping of the monuments with archaeological and natural scientific methods.

Saage, R. (2011). The historical monuments of Käku. Mapping of the monuments witharchaeological and natural scientific methods (EST: Käku muististe kompleks. Arheoloogiline ja loodusteaduslik...

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The Smithy site of Käku. Archaeology outdoors and indoors.

Saage, R. (2013). The Smithy site of Käku. Archaeology outdoors and indoors. (EST: Käku sepikoda. Arheoloogia väljas ja sees.) Jüri Peets; Ain Mäesalu (juh). Tartu Ülikool,...

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Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia.

Saage, R.; Peets, J.; Kulu, P.; Peetsalu, P.; Viljus, M. (2017). Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, XXXIV,...

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The smiths of Saaremaa knew their trade. (EST)

Saage, R. (2012). The smiths of Saaremaa knew their trade. (EST: Saaremaa sepad tundsid oma kunsti.)  Tutulus: Eesti arheoloogia aastakiri, 4−7. Read the article (EST): here....

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The medieval and early modern smithy site of Käku.

Peets, J.; Saage, R.; Maldre, L. (2013). The medieval and early modern smithy site of Käku. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2012, 93−108. Read the article:...

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Käku graves

Käku kalmed. The burial site of Käku with its stone circle graves is located near the village of Käku in the parish of Kaarma in the central part of Saaremaa, 2.5 km NW from the Kaarma hillfort...

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