Tag: tuiu

Excavations at the Tuiu iron-smelting site, Saaremaa

Unt, A.; Saage, R.; Oks, K.; Peets, J. (2023). Excavations at the Tuiu iron-smelting site, Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2022, 99−106. Read the article: here....

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Forschungen in Gebiet der Rauasaatmemäed von Tuiu in Saaremaa (Estland).

Peets, J. (1996). Forschungen in Gebiet der Rauasaatmemäed von Tuiu in Saaremaa (Estland). The Importance of the Ironmaking. Technical Innovation and Social Change II. Papers presented at the...

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