Mägi, M. (2022/2023). Archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort in 2021. Report of excavations. Excavations A, B and C. (EST: Arheoloogilised kaevamised Valjala maalinna...
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation J. 2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand J. 2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn...
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort and in the surrounding area. Excavation D. 29.07-24.08.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna ja ümbruse arheoloogilistest...
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation K. 2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand K. 2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn...
Moon, R-M.; Moon-Niinesalu, M.; Mägi, M. (2022). Report of archaeological excavations in old hillfort of Valjala. 02.05.2022–06.05.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala vanal maalinnal läbiviidud...
Archaeological artefacts from Valjala hillfort can be found from our artefact database: here. https://youtu.be/dxtV0XuWw18 For English subtitles, click on the CC button: The video introduces the...
Kustin, A. (1962). Report. Archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort in 1962. (EST: Aruanne. Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest 1962. a.) Read the report: here....
The excavations in Pöide are over for now, but questions remain for the coming year. Last week, a 180 cm deep hole came to light, which, according to the georadar, could measure 2 x 2 m. The pit...
By the end of the second week of excavation, it may be concluded that the somewhat mysterious school at Pöide mentioned in written sources, which may have been in operation before the Teutonic Order...