Author: Piia Sandrak

Estonian Viking-Age Penannular Brooches and Ornament.

Mägi-Lõugas, M. (1994). Estonian Viking-Age Penannular Brooches and Ornament. (EST: Eesti viikingiaegsed hoburaudsõled ja nende ornament.) Eesti TA Toim. Humanitaar- ja Sotsiaalteadused 43, 4...

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Regions and Centres. Population in the End of the Prehistorical and in the Early Medieval Saaremaa, According to the Archaeological, Anthropogeographical and Historical Sources.

Mägi, M. (2002). Regions and Centres. Population in the End of the Prehistorical and in the Early Medieval Saaremaa, According to the Archaeological, Anthropogeographical and Historical Sources. (In...

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At the Crossroads of Space and Time. Graves, Changing Society and Ideology on Saaremaa (Ösel), 9th–13th centuries AD. 

Mägi, M. (2002). At the Crossroads of Space and Time. Graves, Changing Society and Ideology on Saaremaa (Ösel), 9th–13th centuries AD. Tallinn: Ajaloo Instituut, Tallinn/Center of Baltic...

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On the mutual relationship between late prehistoric Saaremaa and the Livs.

Mägi, M. (2005). On the mutual relationship between late prehistoric Saaremaa and the Livs. In: Mäntylä, S. (Ed.). Rituals and relations. Studies on the Society and Material Culture of the Baltic...

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Changing Connections, Changing Society. Burial Rites on Iron Age Saaremaa.

Mägi, M. (2006). Changing Connections, Changing Society. Burial Rites on Iron Age Saaremaa. In: Mindaugas Bertaśius (Ed.). Transformatio mundi. The transition from the Late Migration Period to the...

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Prehistory on Saaremaa 600 – 1227. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2007). Prehistory on Saaremaa 600 – 1227. (In Estonian: Saaremaa muinasaeg 600­-1227.) Tarvel, E. (Toim.). Saaremaa 2. Ajalugu, majandus, kultuur. (55−76). Koolibri. Read the...

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Prehistory on Saaremaa 1500 BC – 600 AD.

Mägi, M. (2007). Prehistory on Saaremaa 1500 BC – 600 AD. (In Estonian: Saaremaa muinasaeg 600­-1227.) Tarvel, E. (Toim.). Saaremaa 2. Ajalugu, majandus, kultuur. (55−76). Koolibri. ...

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Collectivity versus individuality: the warrior ideology of Iron Age burial rites on Saaremaa.

Mägi, M. (2007). Collectivity versus individuality: the warrior ideology of Iron Age burial rites on Saaremaa. Archaeologia BALTICA, 8, 263−272. Read the article: here....

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Trade, war and the diversity of rituals at late prehistoric harbour sites on Saaremaa.

Mägi, M. (2010). Trade, war and the diversity of rituals at late prehistoric harbour sites on Saaremaa. Archaeologia BALTICA, 14, 168−182. Read the article: here....

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Viking Age and early medieval Eastern Baltic between the West and the East.

Mägi, M. (2011). Viking Age and early medieval Eastern Baltic between the West and the East. In: Imsen, S. (Ed.). Tax, tribute and tributary countries. (189−235). Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press....

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