Author: Piia Sandrak

Corporate power structures as indicated in archaeological evidence: the case of Estonia in the Middle Iron Age and Viking Age.

Mägi, M. (2013). Corporate power structures as indicated in archaeological evidence: the case of Estonia in the Middle Iron Age and Viking Age. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, 30, 107−125. Read the...

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Late prehistoric societies and burials in the Eastern Baltic.

Mägi, M. (2013). Late prehistoric societies and burials in the Eastern Baltic. Archaeologia BALTICA, 19, 177−194. Read the article: here....

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Societies East and West of the Baltic Sea: prehistoric culture contacts revisited.

Mägi, M. (2017). Societies East and West of the Baltic Sea: prehistoric culture contacts revisited. In: Callmer, J,: Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (Ed.). Identity Formation and Diversity in the Early...

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Pre-Christian maritime societies in the Eastern Baltic.

Mägi, M. (2018). Pre-Christian maritime societies in the Eastern Baltic. Revue d’Histoire Nordique = Nordic Historical Review, 26, 27−48. Read the article: here....

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Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest.

Mägi, M. (2020). Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest. In: Mänd, A. & Tamm, M. (Ed.). Making Livonia: Actors...

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Tiik, L. (1984). New Additions to the Research of Farmhouses of Saaremaa. (EST: Uusi lisandeid Saaremaa taluehitiste uurimise alalt.) Etnograafiamuuseumi aastaraamat XXXIV (45-50). Tallinn:...

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Lõugas, V. (1990). Archaeological Excavations of Pöide (Kahutsi) Stronghold in 1990. (EST: Pöide (Kahutsi) maalinna arheoloogilised kaevamised 1990. a.) Read the report (EST): here....

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Mägi-Lõugas, M. (1994). Estonian Viking-Age Penannular Brooches and Ornament. (EST: Eesti viikingiaegsed hoburaudsõled ja nende ornament.) Eesti TA Toim. Humanitaar- ja Sotsiaalteadused 43, 4...

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Ligi, P.; Mägi, T.; Peets, J. (1996). The Lihulinn Sronghold in North-Western Saaremaa. In: Hackens, T., Hicks, S., Lang, V., Miller, U., & Saarse, L., (eds.) (Ed.). Coastal Estonia. Recent...

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Mägi, M. (1997). Excavations at Tõnija Tuulingumäe Tarand-Grave Will Be Continued. In: Archaeological Fieldworks in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 1997 (94−98).  Tallinn:...

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