Category: 2024


Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation J. 2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand J. 2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn...

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Report of archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort. Excavation H. 19-24.08.2022.

Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort. Excavation H. 19-24.08.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna ümbruse arheoloogilistest...

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Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavations F, J and K. 2022/2023.

Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavations F, J and K. 2022/2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevandid F, J ja K....

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Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation J. 2023.

Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation J. 2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand J. 2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn...

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Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort and in the surrounding area. Excavation D. 29.07-24.08.2022.

Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort and in the surrounding area. Excavation D. 29.07-24.08.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna ja ümbruse arheoloogilistest...

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Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation K. 2023.

Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation K. 2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand K. 2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn...

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