Autor: Piia Sandrak


Helk, V. (1995). Saaremaa arhiivimaterjalidest Taani Riigiarhiivis ja nende kasutamisest. Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 1993–1994 (5−23). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum. Loe artiklit: siin....

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Harbour sites in ritual landscape – the example of Viltina in southern Saaremaa.

Mägi, M. (2009). Harbour sites in ritual landscape – the example of Viltina in southern Saaremaa. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 13: 2, 110−131. Loe artiklit: siin....

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Scandinavian Late Viking Age Art Styles as a Part of the Visual Display of Warriors in 11th Century Estonia.

Jets, I. (2012). Scandinavian Late Viking Age Art Styles as a Part of the Visual Display of Warriors in 11th Century Estonia. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 16 (2), 118−139....

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Jets, I. (2012). Scandinavian Late Viking Age Art Styles as a Part of the Visual Display of Warriors in 11th Century Estonia. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 16 (2), 118−139....

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Traceless death. Missing burials in Bronze and Iron Age Estonia.

Lang, V. (2011). Traceless death. Missing burials in Bronze and Iron Age Estonia. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 15, 2, 109−129. Loe artiklit: siin....

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Antler combs from Salme ship burials: find context, origin, dating and manufacture.

Luik, H.; Peets, J.; Ljungkvist, J.; Maldre, L.; Maldre, R.; Allmäe, R.; Muñoz-Rodríguez, M.; McGrath, K.; Speller, C.; Ashby, S. (2020). Antler combs from Salme ship burials: find context,...

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The contribution of stray finds for studying everyday practices – the example of stone axes.

Johanson, K. (2006). The contribution of stray finds for studying everyday practices – the example of stone axes. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 10 (2), 99−131. Loe artiklit: siin....

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Baltimaade pronksi- ja rauaaeg.

Lang, V. (2007). Baltimaade pronksi- ja rauaaeg. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Elektrooniline reproduktsioon. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu. Loe teost: siin. ...

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Karja kirik – kõige väiksem “katedraal”.

Bome, H.; Markus, K. (2005). Karja kirik – kõige väiksem “katedraal”. Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on art and architecture, 14 (4), 9−51. Loe artiklit: siin....

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From Rus’ Trade to Crusade: St Olaf’s Churches in the Eastern Baltic Sea Region.

Markus, K. (2017). From Rus’ Trade to Crusade: St Olaf’s Churches in the Eastern Baltic Sea Region. Acta Historica Tallinnensia, 23, 3−25. DOI: 10.3176/hist.2017.1.03. Loe...

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