Author: Piia Sandrak


Mägi, M.; Rudi, A. (1999). New Stone Circle Graves at Piila Cemetery, Saaremaa. In: Archeological fieldwork in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 1998 (39−49). Tallinn:...

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Mägi, M. (2001). Probable cult site beside the Tõnija tarand-grave on the Island of Saaremaa. In: Archaeological Fieldworks in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 2000 (48−55). Tallinn:...

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Mägi, M. (2002). At the Crossroads of Space and Time. Graves, Changing Society and Ideology on Saaremaa (Ösel), 9th–13th centuries AD. Tallinn: Ajaloo Instituut, Tallinn/Center of...

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Mägi, M. (2003). Kaali and Cultural Landscape. The Echo of the Meteorite Hit in Archaeology and Folklore. (EST: Kaali ja kultuurmaastik. Meoteoriiditabamuse kajastusi arheoloogias ja folklooris.)...

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Mägi, M. (2004). “…Ships are their main strength.” Harbour sites, arable lands and chieftains on Saaremaa. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 8 (2), 128−162. Read the article: here.  Mägi,...

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Bome, H.; Markus, K. (2005). Karja church – the smallest ‘cathedral’. (EST: Karja kirik – kõige väiksem “katedraal”).  Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on art and...

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Johanson, K. (2006). The contribution of stray finds for studying everyday practices – the example of stone axes. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 10 (2), 99−131. Read the article: here....

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Mägi, M. (2007). Collectivity versus individuality: the warrior ideology of Iron Age burial rites on Saaremaa. Archaeologia BALTICA, 8, 263−272. Read the article: here. Mägi, M. (2007)....

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Mägi, M. (2008). Facing the sea. In: Lilja, S. (Ed.). Leva vid Östersjöns kust. En antologi om naturförutsätningar och resursutnyttjande pa bada sidorav Östersjön ca 800-1800. (82−103)....

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Mägi, M. (2009). Harbour sites in ritual landscape – the example of Viltina in southern Saaremaa. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 13: 2, 110−131. Read the article: here. Konsa, M.; Allmäe,...

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