Mägi, M. (2003). Kaali and Cultural Landscape. The Echo of the Meteorite Hit in Archaeology and Folklore. (In Estonian: Kaali ja kultuurmaastik. Meoteoriiditabamuse kajastusi arheoloogias ja...
Mägi, M. (2013). Kaali Complex of Antiquities, Pihtla Parish, Saaremaa. Special Conditions of the National Heritage Board. (In Estonian: Kaali muististekompleks, Pihtla vald,...
The southern coast of Saaremaa is well-indented but flat, which accounts for the scarcity of suitable locations for harbours. An area suited for landing was, presumably, in the vicinity of Asva where...
https://youtu.be/dxtV0XuWw18 For English subtitles, click on the CC button: The video introduces the hillfort of Valjala and some focus is given early Christian burial site by the Valjala church....
Harbour sites from Viking Age Estonia have been archaeologically investigated mostly on the island of Saaremaa and excavated more thoroughly at four locations – at Tornimäe, Viltina, Pällamõisa...
https://youtu.be/APZ-TRlqGeI For English subtitles, click on the CC button: The video introduces the archaeological sites at Tuulingumäe and Saunamäe in Tõnija. These were both burial and sacred...
Excavation plan of Saunamäe. The present Tõnija, Põlluküla, and Rõõsa villages form one settlement complex. An analysis of the location of arable fields shows that the earliest settled points...