Archaeological artefacts from Valjala hillfort can be found from our artefact database: here. For English subtitles, click on the CC button: The video introduces the...
Kustin, A. (1962). Report. Archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort in 1962. (EST: Aruanne. Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest 1962. a.) Read the report: here....
Mägi, M.; Tõnisson, H.; Harjo, O. (2023).Archaeological and ground penetrating radar investigations around three Saaremaa hill-forts – Valjala, Pöide and Kaarma. Arheoloogilised välitööd...
Luik, H. (2004). Bone artefacts at Latest Iron Age hillforts: on the basis of finds from Lõhavere, Soontagana, Varbola and Valjala. (EST: Luuesemed hilisrauaaja linnamägedel Lõhavere, Soontagana,...
Mägi, M. (2008). Facing the sea. In: Lilja, S. (Ed.). Leva vid Östersjöns kust. En antologi om naturförutsätningar och resursutnyttjande pa bada sidorav Östersjön ca 800-1800. (82−103).... For English subtitles, click on the CC button: The video introduces the Viidumäe sacrificial site in Saaremaa, where both objects and people were sacrificed. ...
Luik, H.; Maldre, L. (2020). Animal Bones and Bone Artefacts from the Viking Age Site of Tornimäe in Saaremaa. Archaeologia Lituana, 21, 41−58. DOI: 10.15388/ArchLit.2019.21.3. Read the article:... For English subtitles, click on the CC button: The video introduces the archaeological sites at Tuulingumäe and Saunamäe in Tõnija. These were both burial and sacred...
On the 10th of November 2023a new book published by the Archaeological Research Collection of Tallinn University: The Salme Ship Burials: Two Eighth-Century Mass Graves on Saaremaa Island,...