Category: Archaeological sites of Saaremaa

Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia.

Saage, R.; Peets, J.; Kulu, P.; Peetsalu, P.; Viljus, M. (2017). Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, XXXIV,...

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The smiths of Saaremaa knew their trade. (EST)

Saage, R. (2012). The smiths of Saaremaa knew their trade. (EST: Saaremaa sepad tundsid oma kunsti.)  Tutulus: Eesti arheoloogia aastakiri, 4−7. Read the article (EST): here....

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The medieval and early modern smithy site of Käku.

Peets, J.; Saage, R.; Maldre, L. (2013). The medieval and early modern smithy site of Käku. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2012, 93−108. Read the article:...

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Käku graves

Käku kalmed. The burial site of Käku with its stone circle graves is located near the village of Käku in the parish of Kaarma in the central part of Saaremaa, 2.5 km NW from the Kaarma hillfort...

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The Ancient Strongholds of Saaremaa.

Kustin, A. (1959). The ancient strongholds of Saaremaa. (EST: “Saaremaa muistsed linnused.”). Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised VIII köide, Ühiskonnateaduste seeria, 1959, nr 1,...

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Karja cemetery from the 13th-14th century in Saaremaa.

Kustin, A. (1958). Karja cemetery from the 13th-14th century in Saaremaa. (EST: “Kalmistu XIII-XIV sajandist Karjas, Saaremaal.”) Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised VII köide,...

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Salme ship burials

A map dating from 1650 shows the river of Salme as a strait between the islands of Kuressaar and Sõrve. ‘Salm’ in Estonian means a narrow strait, especially one between two islands. In the early...

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Animal Bones and Bone Artefacts from the Viking Age Site of Tornimäe in Saaremaa.

Luik, H.; Maldre, L. (2020). Animal Bones and Bone Artefacts from the Viking Age Site of Tornimäe in Saaremaa. Archaeologia Lituana, 21, 41−58. DOI: 10.15388/ArchLit.2019.21.3. Read the article:...

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Buildings archaeological surveys at Maasi Castle on North-East Saaremaa.

Püüa, G. (2020). Buildings archaeological surveys at Maasi Castle on North-East Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 163−176. Read the article: here....

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Names of the three towns of Saaremaa

Tarvel, E. (2007). Names of the three towns of Saaremaa. (EST: Kolme Saaremaa linna nimest). Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 2005–2006 (3−16). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum. Read the article...

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