Category: Archaeological sites of Saaremaa

The Burial and Cult Site of Saunamäe. Report on the Excavations of 2012-2014. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2014, 2020). The Burial and Cult Site of Saunamäe. Report on the Excavations of 2012-2014. (EST: Saunamäe kalme ja kultuskoht. Kaevamiste aruanne 2012-2014.) Tallinn University....

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Archaeological Excavations of Pöide (Kahutsi) Stronghold in 1990. (EST)

Lõugas, V. (1990). Archaeological Excavations of Pöide (Kahutsi) Stronghold in 1990. (EST: Pöide (Kahutsi) maalinna arheoloogilised kaevamised 1990. a.) Read the report (EST): here....

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Report on the 1992 Excavations of Pöide Stronghold. (EST)

Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1992-1993). Report on the 1992 Excavations of Pöide Stronghold. (EST: Pöide maalinna 1992. a. kaevamiste aruanne.) Read the report (EST): here....

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New Stone Circle Graves at Piila Cemetery, Saaremaa.

Mägi, M.; Rudi, A. (1999). New Stone Circle Graves at Piila Cemetery, Saaremaa. In: Archeological fieldwork in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 1998 (39−49). Tallinn:...

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Cemetery of Karja. (EST)

Read about the cemetery of Karja (EST): here....

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The Mortuary House at Lepna on Southern Saaremaa

Mägi, M. (2004). The Mortuary House at Lepna on Southern Saaremaa. In: Archaeological Fieldworks in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 2003 (45−60). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet. Read the...

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Stone graves and mortuary houses. The development of burial rites on Iron Age Saaremaa. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2005). Stone Graves and Mortuary Houses. The Development of Burial Rites on Iron Age Saaremaa. (In Estonian: Kivikalmed ja surnumajad. Matmiskombestiku areng rauaaegsel Saaremaal.)...

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Mortuary houses in Iron Age Estonia.

Mägi, M. (2005). Mortuary Houses in Iron Age Estonia. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 93−131. Read the article: here....

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Kaali and Cultural Landscape. The Echo of the Meteorite Hit in Archaeology and Folklore. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2003). Kaali and Cultural Landscape. The Echo of the Meteorite Hit in Archaeology and Folklore. (In Estonian: Kaali ja kultuurmaastik. Meoteoriiditabamuse kajastusi arheoloogias ja...

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Kaali complex of antiquities, Pihtla parish, Saaremaa. Special Conditions of the National Heritage Board. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2013). Kaali Complex of Antiquities, Pihtla Parish, Saaremaa. Special Conditions of the National Heritage Board. (In Estonian: Kaali muististekompleks, Pihtla vald,...

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