Tag: salme

Jüri Peets: ‘There’s a great chance that the start of Viking age comes from England to Saaremaa. (EST)

Sepp, A. (2020). Jüri Peets: ‘There’s a great chance that the start of Viking age comes from England to Saaremaa. (EST: Jüri Peets: “Suur võimalus on, et viikingiaja algus...

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Who were the first Vikings of Baltic Sea region? (EST)

Mägi, M. (2020). Who were the first Vikings of Baltic Sea region? (EST: Kes olid ikkagi Läänemere esimesed viikingid?) Saarte Hääl, 01.08.2020. Read the article (EST): here....

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The research of Salme boat burial unique in Europe is filled with mysteriums. (EST)

Ojamets, I.; Hariik, Airika. (2020). The research of Salme boat burial unique in Europe is filled with mysteriums. (EST: Euroopas ainulaadse Salme laevamatuse uuringud on täis müsteeriume.) ERR,...

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Constructional and technological analysis of the Salme boat find.

Mäss, V. (2008). Constructional and technological analysis of the Salme boat find (EST: Salme laevaleiu ehitustehnoloogiline interpretatsioon). Estonian Maritime Museum. Read (EST): here....

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Firing the Salme incendiary arrow. (EST)

Saage, R.; Kiilmann, K.; (2014). Firing the Salme incendiary arrow (EST: Salme süütenoolega süütamas). Tutulus: Eesti arheoloogia aastakiri, 42−44. Read the article (EST): here....

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Salme ship burials

A map dating from 1650 shows the river of Salme as a strait between the islands of Kuressaar and Sõrve. ‘Salm’ in Estonian means a narrow strait, especially one between two islands. In the early...

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Isotopic proveniencing of the Salme ship burials in pre-Viking Age Estonia.

Price, T. Douglas; Peets, Jüri; Allmäe, Raili; Maldre, Liina; Oras, Ester (2016). Isotopic proveniencing of the Salme ship burials in pre-Viking Age Estonia. Antiquity, 90 (352), 1022−1037....

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Human remains, context, and place of origin for the Salme, Estonia, boat burials.

Price, D. T.; Peets, J.; Allmäe, R.; Maldre, L.; Price, N. (2020). Human remains, context, and place of origin for the Salme, Estonia, boat burials. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 58. DOI:...

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Rescue excavations of a Vendel era boat-grave in Salme, Saaremaa.

Konsa, M.; Allmäe, R.; Maldre, L.; Vassiljev, J. (2009). Rescue excavations of a Vendel era boat-grave in Salme, Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia,...

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