Category: Research


Mägi, M. (2020). Before the hill fort of Valjala was built. Landing places and graves along the Lõve River in Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia,...

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Prehistorical Harbors of Saaremaa – Viltina. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2009). Prehistorical Harbors of Saaremaa – Viltina. (EST: Saaremaa muinassadamad – Viltina.) Saaremaa Muuseum. Kaheaastaraamat, 2007-2008, 3−35. Read the article (EST): here....

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The Beginning of the Viking Age at Saaremaa. (EST)

Here are two following articles: Mägi, M. (2014). The Beginning of the Viking Age at Saaremaa. Where Were Ancient Inhabitants of Saaremaa Buried? (In Estonian: Viikingiaja algus Saaremaal. Kuhu...

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Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1992-1993). Report on the 1992 Excavations of Pöide Stronghold. (EST: Pöide maalinna 1992. a. kaevamiste aruanne.) Read the report (EST): here....

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