Autor: Piia Sandrak


Mägi, M. (2020). Before the hill fort of Valjala was built. Landing places and graves along the Lõve River in Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia,...

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Pre-Christian maritime societies in the Eastern Baltic.

Mägi, M. (2018). Pre-Christian maritime societies in the Eastern Baltic. Revue d’Histoire Nordique = Nordic Historical Review, 26, 27−48. Loe artiklit: siin....

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Mägi, M. (2018). Pre-Christian maritime societies in the Eastern Baltic. Revue d’Histoire Nordique = Nordic Historical Review, 26, 27−48. Loe artiklit: siin....

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Societies East and West of the Baltic Sea: prehistoric culture contacts revisited.

Mägi, M. (2017). Societies East and West of the Baltic Sea: prehistoric culture contacts revisited. In: Callmer, J,: Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (Ed.). Identity Formation and Diversity in the Early...

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Mägi, M. (2017). Societies East and West of the Baltic Sea: prehistoric culture contacts revisited. In: Callmer, J,: Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (Ed.). Identity Formation and Diversity in the Early...

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Saaremaa – muinas- ja keskaegne Kuresaar.

Mägi, M. (2015). Saaremaa – muinas- ja keskaegne Kuresaar. Adamson, A.; Põltsam-Jürjo, I.; Leimus, I.; Kesküla, K.; Mägi, M.; Oja, T. (2015). Kuressaare vanem ajalugu. Tallinn: Tallinna...

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Mägi, M. (2015). Saaremaa – muinas- ja keskaegne Kuresaar. Adamson, A.; Põltsam-Jürjo, I.; Leimus, I.; Kesküla, K.; Mägi, M.; Oja, T. (2015). Kuressaare vanem ajalugu. Tallinn: Tallinna...

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Corporate power structures as indicated in archaeological evidence: the case of Estonia in the Middle Iron Age and Viking Age.

Mägi, M. (2013). Corporate power structures as indicated in archaeological evidence: the case of Estonia in the Middle Iron Age and Viking Age. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, 30, 107−125. Loe...

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Late prehistoric societies and burials in the Eastern Baltic.

Mägi, M. (2013). Late prehistoric societies and burials in the Eastern Baltic. Archaeologia BALTICA, 19, 177−194. Loe artiklit: siin....

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Mägi, M. (2013). Late prehistoric societies and burials in the Eastern Baltic. Archaeologia BALTICA, 19, 177−194. Loe artiklit: siin. Mägi, M. (2013). Corporate power structures as indicated in...

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