Constructional stages of the Pöide church. Screenshot from the documentary ’Pöide, vaikiv tunnistaja“. The Pöide church is one of the oldest stone churches in Estonia, probably built in the...
Sperling, U. (2016). Bronze Age Connections across the Baltic Sea: Discussing Metalwork as Source of Maritime Contacts in Prehistory. In: Hein Bjartmann Bjerck (Ed.). Marine Ventures –...
Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1994). Excavations at Pöide Stronghold have been finished. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised, Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteadused, 43/4, 390-392. Read the article (RUS...
Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1994). Investigation of Ancient Monuments at Pöide 1991-1992. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised, Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteadused, 43, 27-33. Read the article (RUS...
Veski, S.; Heinsalu, A.; Kirsimae, K.; Poska, A.; Saarse, L. (2001). Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia....
Metsar, L. (1950). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST: Aruanne...
Moora, H. (1926). Report. Archaeological aexcavations carried out by prof. A. M. Tallgren in Käku village at Kaarma parish nearby the Kalme cottager. 27th July 1926. (EST: Aruanne....