Category: Archaeological sites of Saaremaa

The research of Salme boat burial unique in Europe is filled with mysteriums. (EST)

Ojamets, I.; Hariik, Airika. (2020). The research of Salme boat burial unique in Europe is filled with mysteriums. (EST: Euroopas ainulaadse Salme laevamatuse uuringud on täis müsteeriume.) ERR,...

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Constructional and technological analysis of the Salme boat find.

Mäss, V. (2008). Constructional and technological analysis of the Salme boat find (EST: Salme laevaleiu ehitustehnoloogiline interpretatsioon). Estonian Maritime Museum. Read (EST): here....

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Probable stone grave burials of Upsi and Surnuaiamäe around Viidumäe area. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2020). Probable stone grave burials of Upsi and Surnuaiamäe around Viidumäe area. (EST: Upsi ja Surnuaiamäe arvatavad kivikalmed Viidumäe ümbruses. Saaremaa vald, endine Kihelkonna...

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Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Report of inspection and pilot excavations, 2015-2016. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2016/2020). Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Report of inspection and pilot excavations, 2015-2016 (EST: Viidumäe Mäepea ohverdamiskoht. Inspektsiooni ja proovikaevamiste...

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Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Expert evaluation, report of inspection and pilot excavations. (EST)

Mägi, M. (2014/2020). Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Expert evaluation, report of inspection and pilot excavations. (EST: Viidumäe Mäepea ohverdamiskoht. Eksperthinnang, inspektsiooni...

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Osteological Analysis of Commingled and Fragmented Human Remains: Two Case Studies From 6th – 9th-century Saaremaa, Estonia.

Niinesalu, M. (2020).  Osteological Analysis of Commingled and Fragmented Human Remains: Two Case Studies From 6th – 9th-century Saaremaa, Estonia (Segatud ja fragmentaarsete luude...

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Viidumäe sacrificial site

The sacrificial place at Viidumäe was found by illegal metal detectorists who managed to almost completely loot it before archaeologists were able to register the site in 2014. However, several...

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Firing the Salme incendiary arrow. (EST)

Saage, R.; Kiilmann, K.; (2014). Firing the Salme incendiary arrow (EST: Salme süütenoolega süütamas). Tutulus: Eesti arheoloogia aastakiri, 42−44. Read the article (EST): here....

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The historical monuments of Käku. Mapping of the monuments with archaeological and natural scientific methods.

Saage, R. (2011). The historical monuments of Käku. Mapping of the monuments witharchaeological and natural scientific methods (EST: Käku muististe kompleks. Arheoloogiline ja loodusteaduslik...

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The Smithy site of Käku. Archaeology outdoors and indoors.

Saage, R. (2013). The Smithy site of Käku. Archaeology outdoors and indoors. (EST: Käku sepikoda. Arheoloogia väljas ja sees.) Jüri Peets; Ain Mäesalu (juh). Tartu Ülikool,...

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