Category: Archaeological sites of Saaremaa

Excavations at Pöide Stronghold have been finished.

Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1994). Excavations at Pöide Stronghold have been finished. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised, Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteadused, 43/4, 390-392. Read the article (RUS...

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Investigation of Ancient Monuments at Pöide 1991-1992.

Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1994). Investigation of Ancient Monuments at Pöide 1991-1992. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised, Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteadused, 43, 27-33. Read the article (RUS...

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Die Ordensvogtei Poida. Publikationen des Vereins zur Kunde Ösels. (GER)

Holzmayer, J. B. (1891). Die Ordensvogtei Poida. Publikationen des Vereins zur Kunde Ösels. Heft I. Arensburg. Read (GER): here....

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Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia.

Veski, S.; Heinsalu, A.; Kirsimae, K.; Poska, A.; Saarse, L. (2001). Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia....

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The age of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters.

Rasmussen, K.; Aaby, B.; Gwozdz, R. (2000). The age of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters. Meteoritics. 35. 1067-1071. Read the article: here....

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Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST)

Metsar, L. (1950). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST: Aruanne...

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Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish. (EST)

Moora, H. (1926). Report. Archaeological aexcavations carried out by prof. A. M. Tallgren in Käku village at Kaarma parish nearby the Kalme cottager. 27th July 1926. (EST: Aruanne....

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Jüri Peets: ‘There’s a great chance that the start of Viking age comes from England to Saaremaa. (EST)

Sepp, A. (2020). Jüri Peets: ‘There’s a great chance that the start of Viking age comes from England to Saaremaa. (EST: Jüri Peets: “Suur võimalus on, et viikingiaja algus...

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Who were the first Vikings of Baltic Sea region? (EST)

Mägi, M. (2020). Who were the first Vikings of Baltic Sea region? (EST: Kes olid ikkagi Läänemere esimesed viikingid?) Saarte Hääl, 01.08.2020. Read the article (EST): here....

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