Pöide hillfort by the drawing of F. Kruse in 1842. Pöide hill-fort was one of the biggest prehistoric and medieval fortifications in Saaremaa. The present height of the walls is 5-6 m from the...
Mägi, M.; Tõnisson, H.; Harjo, O. (2023).Archaeological and ground penetrating radar investigations around three Saaremaa hill-forts – Valjala, Pöide and Kaarma. Arheoloogilised välitööd...
Leimus, I. (2019). Small addition to the composition of Piila silver treasury from Kaarma. (EST: Väike lisandus Kaarma Piila hõbeaarde koosseisule.)Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 2017–2018...
Kadakas, Villu; Kreem, Juhan (2019). Der Baukompex von Peude auf Ösel. Eine frühe Ordensburg mit einem Nachleben? Juhan Kreem. Das Leben im Ordenshaus (99−116). VDG. (Quellen und Studien zur...
https://youtu.be/KEEWcGjBgso For English subtitles, click on the CC button: This video presents the Lepna mortuary house in Saaremaa, which dates from the 5-6th century and is rich in finds. The...
Saage, R.; Peets, J.; Kulu, P.; Peetsalu, P.; Viljus, M. (2017). Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, XXXIV,...
https://youtu.be/ulMujSvaGm0 For English subtitles, click on the CC button: The video introduces the early medieval cemetery of Karja in Saaremaa and discusses how Christianity may have spread in...
Mägi, M.; Rudi, A. (1999). New Stone Circle Graves at Piila Cemetery, Saaremaa. In: Archeological fieldwork in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 1998 (39−49). Tallinn:...
Stone kerb of grave V with a sector of grave VII and the limestone pavement between the graves, seen from NE. The best-known and most researched Viking Age grave site in Saaremaa, Piila is located in...
The Viltina stone grave in Southern Saaremaa was excavated in 1940 ahead of the planned construction work of a Soviet military base. As a result, the dig was hurried: over the period of just two...