Karja materials

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The video introduces the early medieval cemetery of Karja in Saaremaa and discusses how Christianity may have spread in Saaremaa at the instigation of the local elite.

Authors: Kristo Siig, Martin Männik, Marika Mägi, Piia Sandra Palm.

The video was made in the framework of the project “With Video on Saaremaa’s Historical Landscapes”, funded by Estonian Research Council’s science popularisation project competition and Foundation Osiliana.

Maps are created based on spatial data provided by the Estonian Land Board. 

Excavation drawings: Foundation Osiliana.

Animations were made using licensed materials from Freepik.

Sandrak, P. S. (2022). The socio-political landscape of 13th century Saaremaa from the perspective of Valjala-Karja parish  (EST: 13. sajandi Saaremaa sotsiopoliitiline maastik Valjala-Karja kihelkonna perspektiivist). Master thesis (sup.) Kersti Markus; Marika Mägi. Tallinn University.

Read the ENG conclusion (70-72): here.

Bome, H.; Markus, K. (2005). Karja church – the smallest ‘cathedral’. (EST: Karja kirik – kõige väiksem “katedraal”).  Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on art and architecture, 14 (4), 9−51.

Read the ENG conclusion (p. 47-51): here.

The drawings of the excavations of 1958. Click on the image to see a better and larger version of it!

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