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The video introduces the archaeological sites at Tuulingumäe and Saunamäe in Tõnija. These were both burial and sacred sites, used for nearly 1000 years.
Authors: Kristo Siig, Martin Männik, Marika Mägi, Piia Sandra Palm.
Thanks: Niguliste Museum, Tarmo Saaret.
The video was made in the framework of the project “With Video on Saaremaa’s Historical Landscapes”, funded by Estonian Research Council’s science popularisation project competition and Foundation Osiliana.
Media used based on a Creative Commons license:
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre CC BY 2.0. Autor: Jlascar
Maps are created based on spatial data provided by the Estonian Land Board.
Excavation photos and drawings: Foundation Osiliana.
Animations were made using licensed materials from Freepik.
Unity Asset Store assets were used for 3D reconstructions.
Mägi, M. (2014, 2020). The Burial and Cult Site of Saunamäe. Report on the Excavations of 2012-2014. (EST: Saunamäe kalme ja kultuskoht. Kaevamiste aruanne 2012-2014.) Tallinn University. Copenhagen-Tallinn.
Read the report (EST): here.
Mägi, M.; Allmäe, R.; Riiel, R.; Karro, K.; Limbo-Simovart, J. (2015). Archaeological excavations at Bronze Age grave and 6th – 10th century cult site at Saunamäe, Tõnija-Põlluküla, southern Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2014, 79−96.
Read the article: here.
Here are two following articles:
- Mägi, M. (2014). The Beginning of the Viking Age at Saaremaa. Where Were Ancient Inhabitants of Saaremaa Buried? (In Estonian: Viikingiaja algus Saaremaal. Kuhu maeti muistsed saarlased?) Saarte Hääl (10−10). (11.10.2014).
- II part, Marika, M. (2014). The Beginning of the Viking Age at Saaremaa. Were There Human Sacrifices? (In Estonian: Viikingiaja algus Saaremaal. Kas inimesi ohverdati?) Saarte Hääl (10−10). (18.10.2014).
Read the articles (EST): here.