Markus, K. (2017). From Rus’ Trade to Crusade: St Olaf’s Churches in the Eastern Baltic Sea Region. Acta Historica Tallinnensia, 23, 3−25. DOI: 10.3176/hist.2017.1.03.
Read the article: here.
Mägi, M. (2017). Societies East and West of the Baltic Sea: prehistoric culture contacts revisited. In: Callmer, J,: Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (Ed.). Identity Formation and Diversity in the Early Medieval Baltic and Beyond. Communicators and Communication. (17−47). Leiden-Boston: BRILL Academic Publishers. (The Northern World.; 75).
Read the article: here.
Saage, R.; Peets, J.; Kulu, P.; Peetsalu, P.; Viljus, M. (2017). Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, XXXIV, 46−58.
Read the article: here.
Alttoa, K. (2017). A balcony, a toilet, or an external pulpit (EST: Rõdu, käimla või väliskantsel)? Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 2015–2016 (95−112). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum.
Read the ENG summary (p. 411-412): here.
Rebas, H. (2017). ‘Sigtuna being burned to the ground’ in 1187, once again (EST: Sigtuna mahapõletamine 1187. aastal – veel kord). Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 2015–2016 (3−45). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum.
Read the ENG summary (p. 405-408): here.
Tamm, J. (2017). St Catherine’s Church Muhu 750th (EST: Katariina kirik 750). Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 2015–2016 (46−96). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum.
Read the ENG summary (p. 408-411): here.