Valjala church

Mägi, M.; Malve, M. & Toome, T. (2019). Early Christian burials at Valjala churchyard, Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2018, 93−118.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2019). Late Viking Age burial place and ritual deposits at Lööne, Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2018, 69−78.

Read the article: here.

Alttoa, K. (2003). A few problems regarding the construction history of the Valjala and Kaarma churches. (EST: Mõningaid Valjala ja Kaarma kiriku ehitusloo probleeme). Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 2001–2002 (3−27). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum.

Read the article (EST): here.

Livonian Chronicle of Henry: Heinrici chronicon Livoniae. (EST: Henriku Liivimaa kroonika). (1982). Tarvel, Enn (edit.); Kleis, R. (transl.). Publisher: Tallinn, Eesti Raamat. 

Read the chronicle (in Latin and Estonian): here.

The Christianization of Valjala is described in the chapter XXX (5). 

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