Mägi, M. (2020). Before the hill fort of Valjala was built. Landing places and graves along the Lõve River in Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2019, 69−78.
Read the article: here.
Luik, H.; Maldre, L. (2020). Animal Bones and Bone Artefacts from the Viking Age Site of Tornimäe in Saaremaa. Archaeologia Lituana, 21, 41−58. DOI: 10.15388/ArchLit.2019.21.3.
Read the article: here.
Püüa, G. (2020). Buildings archaeological surveys at Maasi Castle on North-East Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 163−176.
Read the article: here.
Mägi, M. (2020). Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest. In: Mänd, A. & Tamm, M. (Ed.). Making Livonia: Actors and Networks in the Medieval and Early Modern Baltic Sea Region (48−69). Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Read the chapter: here.
Price, D. T.; Peets, J.; Allmäe, R.; Maldre, L.; Price, N. (2020). Human remains, context, and place of origin for the Salme, Estonia, boat burials. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 58. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2020.101149.
Read the article: here.
Luik, H.; Peets, J.; Ljungkvist, J.; Maldre, L.; Maldre, R.; Allmäe, R.; Muñoz-Rodríguez, M.; McGrath, K.; Speller, C.; Ashby, S. (2020). Antler combs from Salme ship burials: find context, origin, dating and manufacture. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 24 (1), 3−44. DOI: 10.3176/arch.2020.1.01.
Read the article: here.
Niinesalu, M. (2020). Osteological Analysis of Commingled and Fragmented Human Remains: Two Case Studies From 6th – 9th-century Saaremaa, Estonia (Segatud ja fragmentaarsete luude osteoloogiline analüüs: kaks juhtumuuringut 6.-9. sajandi Saaremaalt). Marge Konsa; Marika Mägi; Raili Allmäe (juh). Tartu Ülikool, Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond, ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut.
Read the MA thesis: here.
Mägi, M. (2020). Probable stone grave burials of Upsi and Surnuaiamäe around Viidumäe area. (EST: Upsi ja Surnuaiamäe arvatavad kivikalmed Viidumäe ümbruses. Saaremaa vald, endine Kihelkonna kihelkond ja vald, Saaremaa). Report on archaeological excavations. Tallinna University, Institute of Humanities, Institute of History, Archaeology and Art History.
Read the report (EST): here.
Mägi, M. (2016/2020). Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Report of inspection and pilot excavations, 2015-2016 (EST: Viidumäe Mäepea ohverdamiskoht. Inspektsiooni ja proovikaevamiste aruanne 2015-2016. Mäebe küla, Saaremaa vald, Saaremaa end. Kihelkonna kihelkond). Tallinn University, TÜHI, Institute of History, Archaeology and Art History.
Read the report (EST): here.
Mägi, M. (2014, 2020). The Burial- and Cult Site of Saunamäe. Report on the Excavations of 2012-2014. (EST: Saunamäe kalme ja kultuskoht. Kaevamiste aruanne 2012-2014.) Tallinn University. Copenhagen-Tallinn.
Read the report (EST): here.
Mägi, M. (2014/2020). Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Expert evaluation, report of inspection and pilot excavations. (EST: Viidumäe Mäepea ohverdamiskoht. Eksperthinnang, inspektsiooni ja proovikaevamiste aruanne. Mäebe küla, Saaremaa vald, Saaremaa end. Kihelkonna kihelkond). Tallinn University, TÜHI, Institute of History, Archaeology and Art History.
Read the report (EST): here.
Mägi, M. (2021). Viking Age and Medieval harbour site at Mullutu in
southern Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2020, 107−120.
Read the article: here.