| Research, 1962

The historical sites of Saaremaa and Muhu from the start of feudalism. (EST)

Kustin, A. (1962). The historical sites of Saaremaa and Muhu from the start of feudalism (from the 11th century until the start of the 13th century). (EST: Saaremaa ja Muhu muistised feodalismi tärkamise perioodist (11. sajandist kuni 13. sajandi alguseni). Dissertation. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Ajaloo Instituut. Tallinn, 1962, 1–2 volume. 588 p. + 7 drawings and 84 tables.

Text was digitalized by: Marge Konsa and Ragnar Saage. Institute of History and Archaeology, 2012.
Read the dissertation (EST): here.

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