Archaeological artefacts from Valjala hillfort can be found from our artefact database: here.
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The video introduces the hillfort of Valjala and some focus is given early Christian burial site by the Valjala church.
Authors: Kristo Siig, Martin Männik, Marika Mägi, Piia Sandra Palm.
The video was made in the framework of the project “With Video on Saaremaa’s Historical Landscapes”, funded by Estonian Research Council’s science popularisation project competition and Foundation Osiliana.
Maps are created based on spatial data provided by the Estonian Land Board.
Excavation photos and drawings: Foundation Osiliana.
Animations were made using licensed materials from Freepik.
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation J. 2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand J. 2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn University.
Read the report: here.
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation K. 2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand K. 2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn University.
Read the report (EST): here.
Niinesalu-Moon, M.; Mägi, M. (2023). Report of archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort. Excavations E and G. 29.07.2022-02.08.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna ümbruse arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevandid E ja G. 29.07.2022–02.08.2022.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn University.
Read the report: here.
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavations F, J and K. 2022/2023. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevandid F, J ja K. 2022/2023.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn University.
Read the report: here.
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort. Excavation H. 19-24.08.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna ümbruse arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand H. 19.–24.08.2022.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn University.
Read the report: here.
Mägi, M. (2024). Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort and in the surrounding area. Excavation D. 29.07-24.08.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala maalinna ja ümbruse arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. Kaevand D. 29.07.–24.08.2022.) SA Osiliana/Tallinn University.
Read the report: here.
Archaeological and ground penetrating radar investigations around three Saaremaa hill-forts – Valjala, Pöide and Kaarma. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2022, 73−90.
Mägi, M. (2022/2023). Archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort in 2021. Report of excavations. Excavations A, B and C. (EST: Arheoloogilised kaevamised Valjala maalinna ümbruses Saaremaal 2021. Aruanne kaevanditest A, B ja C.) SA Osiliana/Tallinna Ülikool.
Read the report: here.
Moon, R-M.; Moon-Niinesalu, M.; Mägi, M. (2022). Report of archaeological excavations in old hillfort of Valjala. 02.05.2022–06.05.2022. (EST: Aruanne Valjala vanal maalinnal läbiviidud arheoloogilistest väljakaevamistest 02.05.2022–06.05.2022.) SA Osiliana/Tallinna Ülikool.
Read the report (EST): here.
Mägi, M. (2020). Before the hill fort of Valjala was built. Landing places and graves along the Lõve River in Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2019, 69−78.
Read the article: here.
Mägi, M. (2008). Report on preliminary archaeological excavations at the surrounding area of Valjala stronghold. (EST: Aruanne arheoloogilistest eeluuringutest Valjala maalinna ümbruses.)
Read the report (EST): here.