
On this page, you can find the research papers, reports, and maps about Saaremaa. These materials are represented here chronologically. By clicking on the year, you can find more research material.

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Unt, A.; Saage, R.; Oks, K.; Peets, J. (2023). Excavations at the Tuiu iron-smelting site, Saaremaa. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2022, 99−106.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2021). Scandinavian chieftains in Saaremaa? Archaeological investigations in Ure, a probable Roman Period sacrificial place. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 73−90.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2020). Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest. In: Mänd, A. & Tamm, M. (Ed.). Making Livonia: Actors and Networks in the Medieval and Early Modern Baltic Sea Region (48−69). Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Read the chapter: here.

Mägi, M. (2020). Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest. In: Mänd, A. & Tamm, M. (Ed.). Making Livonia: Actors and Networks in the Medieval and Early Modern Baltic Sea Region (48−69). Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Read the chapter: here.

Mägi, M. (2018). Pre-Christian maritime societies in the Eastern Baltic. Revue d’Histoire Nordique = Nordic Historical Review, 26, 27−48.

Read the article: here.

Markus, K. (2017). From Rus’ Trade to Crusade: St Olaf’s Churches in the Eastern Baltic Sea Region. Acta Historica Tallinnensia, 23, 3−25. DOI: 10.3176/hist.2017.1.03.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M.; Riiel-Mürk, R.; Jets, I. (2016). Archaeological fieldwork at Viidumäe cult site. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2015, 89−96.
Read the article: here.

Mägi, M.; Allmäe, R.; Riiel, R.; Karro, K.; Limbo-Simovart, J. (2015). Archaeological excavations at Bronze Age grave and 6th – 10th century cult site at Saunamäe, Tõnija-Põlluküla, southern Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2014, 79−96.

Read the article: here

Mägi, M. (2014, 2020). The Burial- and Cult Site of Saunamäe. Report on the Excavations of 2012-2014. (EST: Saunamäe kalme ja kultuskoht. Kaevamiste aruanne 2012-2014.) Tallinn University. Copenhagen-Tallinn. 

Read the report (EST): here

Mägi, M. (2013). Late prehistoric societies and burials in the Eastern Baltic. Archaeologia BALTICA, 19, 177−194.

Read the article: here.

Jets, I. (2012). Scandinavian Late Viking Age Art Styles as a Part of the Visual Display of Warriors in 11th Century Estonia. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 16 (2), 118−139. DOI: 10.3176/arch.2012.2.02.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2011). Viking Age and early medieval Eastern Baltic between the West and the East. In: Imsen, S. (Ed.). Tax, tribute and tributary countries. (189−235). Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press. (Norgesveldet. Occasional Papers.).

Read the chapter: here.

Mägi, M. (2010). Trade, war and the diversity of rituals at late prehistoric harbour sites on Saaremaa. Archaeologia BALTICA, 14, 168−182.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2009). Harbour sites in ritual landscape – the example of Viltina in southern Saaremaa. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 13: 2, 110−131.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2008). Facing the sea. In: Lilja, S. (Ed.). Leva vid Östersjöns kust. En antologi om naturförutsätningar och resursutnyttjande pa bada sidorav Östersjön ca 800-1800. (82−103). Södertörns Högskola.

Read the article: here

Mägi, M. (2007). Collectivity versus individuality: the warrior ideology of Iron Age burial rites on Saaremaa. Archaeologia BALTICA, 8, 263−272.

Read the article: here.

Johanson, K. (2006). The contribution of stray finds for studying everyday practices – the example of stone axes. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 10 (2), 99−131.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2005). On the mutual relationship between late prehistoric Saaremaa and the Livs. In: Mäntylä, S. (Ed.). Rituals and relations. Studies on the Society and Material Culture of the Baltic Finns (187−206). Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Humaniora; 336).

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2004). “…Ships are their main strength.” Harbour sites, arable lands and chieftains on Saaremaa. Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 8 (2), 128−162.
Read the article: here.

Mägi, M. (2003). Kaali and the Cultural Landscape. The Echo of the Meteorite Hit in Archaeology and Folklore. (In Estonian: Kaali ja kultuurmaastik. Meoteoriiditabamuse kajastusi arheoloogias ja folklooris.) Tallinn. 

Read the paper (EST): here.

Mägi, M. (2002). At the Crossroads of Space and Time. Graves, Changing Society and Ideology on Saaremaa (Ösel), 9th–13th centuries AD. Tallinn: Ajaloo Instituut, Tallinn/Center of Baltic Studies, Gotland.

Read the book: here.

Look at the drawings of the archaeological excavations: here.

Mägi, M. (2001). Probable cult site beside the Tõnija tarand-grave on the Island of Saaremaa. In: Archaeological Fieldworks in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 2000 (48−55). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet.

Read the article: here.

Rasmussen, K.; Aaby, B.; Gwozdz, R. (2000). The age of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters. Meteoritics. 35. 1067-1071.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M.; Rudi, A. (1999). New Stone Circle Graves at Piila Cemetery, Saaremaa. In: Archeological fieldwork in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 1998 (39−49). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet.

Read the article: here.

Mägi, M.; Allmäe, R.; Maldre, L. (1998). Viking Age Graveyard at Piila, Saaremaa. Archeological fieldwork in Estonia = Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis 1997 (99 – 116). Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet.

Read the article: here.

Pao, B. (1997). The outline of the harbor of Maasilinn. (EST: Maasilinna sadama piirjooni). Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 1995–1996 (27−36). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum.

Read the article: here.

Mägi-Lõugas, M. (1996). Archaeological Excavations at Tõnija Tuulingumäe, Saaremaa. In: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Humanities and Social Scienses = Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteadused, 45, 4 (427-433). Tallinn. 

Read the article: here.

Helk, V. (1995). Archival materials of Saaremaa at the Danish National Archive and their use. (EST: Saaremaa arhiivimaterjalidest Taani Riigiarhiivis ja nende kasutamisest).  Saaremaa Muuseum, kaheaastaraamat 1993–1994 (5−23). Kuressaare: Saaremaa Muuseum.

Read the article (EST): here.

Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1994). Excavations at Pöide Stronghold have been finished. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised, Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteadused, 43/4, 390-392.

Read the article (RUS conclusion p. 392): here.

Lõugas, V.; Lõugas-Mägi, M. (1992-1993). Report on the 1992 Excavations of Pöide Stronghold. (In Estonian: Pöide maalinna 1992. a. kaevamiste aruanne.)

Read the report (EST): here.

Lõugas, V. (1990). Archaeological Excavations of Pöide (Kahutsi) Stronghold in 1990. (In Estonian: Pöide (Kahutsi) maalinna arheoloogilised kaevamised 1990. a.)

Read the report (EST): here.

Tiik, L. (1984). New Additions to the Research of Farmhouses of Saaremaa. (In Estonian: Uusi lisandeid Saaremaa taluehitiste uurimise alalt.) Etnograafiamuuseumi aastaraamat XXXIV (45-50). Tallinn: Kirjastus Valgus. 

Read the article (EST): here

Livonian Chronicle of Henry: Heinrici chronicon Livoniae. (EST: Henriku Liivimaa kroonika). (1982). Tarvel, Enn (edit.); Kleis, R. (transl.). Publisher: Tallinn, Eesti Raamat. 

Read the chronicle (in Latin and Estonian): here.

Saaremaa and its inhabitants are mentioned in the following chapters:

VII (1-2);

VIII (3);

X (13);

XIV (12);

XV (3);

XVIII (8);

XIX (1-3);

XIX (5-6);

XIX (9,11);

XX (7-8);

XXI (5,7);

XXII (1,8-9);

XXIII (9-10);

XXIV (3);

XXIV (5,7);

XXV (2);

XXVI (2-5,8,11);

XXVII (3);

XXVIII (3,7);

XXIX (1,4);

XXX (1-5).

Lõugas, V. (1979). Kaali: the legends and the findings. (EST: Kaali: legendid ja leiud.) – Horisont, 9, 13-17.

Read the article (EST): here.

Puss, H. (1977). Regarding extended families of Hiiumaa. (EST: Hiiumaa suurperedest:). Etnograafia Muuseumi Aastaraamat XXX, Tallinn.

The article is in EST, but conclusions in GER p. 135 and in RUS p. 134: here.

Voolmaa, A. (1976). The specialty of West-Estonian folk costumes. (EST: Lääne-Eesti saarte rahvarõivaste omapärast.) Etnograafia Muuseumi Aastaraamat XXIX, Tallinn.

Read the article: here.


Tiik, Leo. (1974). Gieselers. (EST: Giiselerid ja giiselraha.) – Keel ja Kirjandus, 3, lk 167-171.

Read the article (EST): here

Kustin, A. (1966). Stone circle grave in Kurevere at Saaremaa. (EST: Kiviringkalme Kureveres Saaremaal.) Moora, H.; Selirand, J. (toim). Pronksiajast varase feodalismini. Uurimusi Baltimaade ja naaberalade ahreoloogiast. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, lk 87-95.

Text in EST, but conlusion in RUS p. 94, GER p. 94-95: here.

Metsar, L. (1950). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST: Aruanne Kaarma valla Käku küla Kilgiaugu paemurru põhjakaldal asuva kivikalme kaevamisest 1.-29.VII. 1949. a.) Tartus, 1. veebruaril 1950.

Read the report (EST): here.

Metsar, L. (1948). Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish. (EST: Aruanne Kaarma valla Käku küla Kilgiaugu paemurru põhjakaldal asuva kivikalme kaevamisest.) 13. VIII-27. VIII 1948.a. 

Read the report (EST): here.

Blumfeldt, E.; Ränk, G. (1936). Additions to ethnography of Saaremaa from the end of 17th century. (EST: Lisandeid Saaremaa etnograafiale XVII sajandi lõpult). Postimees: Tartu, 15-35. 

Read (EST/GER): here.

Eisen, M. J. (1927). Tõll and his kinship. (EST: Tõll ja ta sugu.) Tartu: Eesti Kirjanduse Selts. 

Electronical reproduction: Tallinn: Academic Library of TLU, 2016.

Read the book (EST): here.

Publication. (1898). Publikationen des Vereins zur Kunde Ösels. Riga/Riia. 

Electronical reproduction. Tallinn: Estonian National Library, 2017.

Read the publication (GER): here.

Holzmayer, J. B. (1880). Osiliana. III. Dorpat/Tartu. 

Electronical reproduction: Tallinn: Academic Library of TLU, 2015.

Read the publication (GER): here.

Holzmayer, J. B. (1868). Osiliana. I., Das Kriegswesen der alten Oeseler. Arensburg/Kuressaare. 

Electronical reproduction: Estonian National Library, 2021. 

Read the publication (GER) here.

Kruse, K. (1846). Mehrere für die ältere Geschichte Dänemarks und der Ostseeprovinzen wichtige, bisher bestrittene Urkunden d. X.-XIV. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: Brandes.

Electronical reproduction. Tartu: University of Tartu Library, 2015.

Read it (GER): here.

Kruse, F. (1842). Necrolivonica oder Alterthümer Liv-, Esth- und Curlands bis zur Einführung der Christlichen Religion in den Kaiserlich Russischen Ostsee-Gouvernements, zusammengestellt und historisch erläutert in einem Unterthänigsten Generalberichte über seine auf Allerhöchsten Befehl im Jahre 1839 ausgeführte archaeologische Untersuchungsreise nebst mehreren wissenschaftlichen Excursen und vielen Lithographien von Alterthümern, Plänen und Charten. Dorpat: F. Kruse, H. Laakmann [etc]; Leipzig: L. Voss.

Electronical reproduction: Google Books. 

Read it (GER): here.

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