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All Blog Posts:
- Viking Age and Medieval harbour site at Mullutu in southern Saaremaa.
- The socio-political landscape of 13th century Saaremaa from the perspective of Valjala-Karja parish
- Patterns of genetic connectedness between modern and medieval Estonian genomes reveal the origins of a major ancestry component of the Finnish population
- 31 December 2024
- Micro-documentary: Saaremaa’s Middle Age
- Micro-documentary: Saaremaa’s Viking Age
- Micro-documentaries
- Guide for archaeological database
- Pre-Viking-Age ship burials at Salme in Estonia: the first eastern Vikings or indications of a shared cultural milieu?
- 2024
- 2023
- Report of archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort. Excavations E and G. 29.07.2022-02.08.2022.
- Report of archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort. Excavation H. 19-24.08.2022.
- Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavations F, J and K. 2022/2023.
- Archaeological excavations in the surrounding area of Valjala hillfort in 2021. Report of excavations. Excavations A, B and C.
- Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation J. 2023.
- Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort and in the surrounding area. Excavation D. 29.07-24.08.2022.
- Report of archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort. Excavation K. 2023.
- Report of archaeological excavations in old hillfort of Valjala. 02.05.2022–06.05.2022.
- Valjala hillfort
- Report. Archaeological excavations in Valjala hillfort in 1962.
- 25. august 2024
- Ancient artifacts can be admired in Pöide
- 17. august 2024
- 11. august 2024
- 7. august 2024
- A silver treasure was found under the floor during the renovation of a house in Rahu village in Saaremaa.
- Randvere burial site in Saaremaa
- Bettany Hughes: Treasures of the World
- Medieval well found in a wall of Kuressaare prince-bishop’s castle
- Excavations at the Tuiu iron-smelting site, Saaremaa
- Archaeological and ground penetrating radar investigations around three Saaremaa hill-forts – Valjala, Pöide and Kaarma
- 2022
- Scandinavian chieftains in Saaremaa? Archaeological investigations in Ure, a probable Roman Period sacrificial place.
- 2021
- The Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia decided to support the further development of Saaremaa’s Early History Information Centre & the funding of RAUR
- 1998
- The Salme Ship Burials: Two Eighth-Century Mass Graves on Saaremaa Island, Estonia. Fieldwork and Catalogue.
- Exhibition: ‘Face to face with medieval Saaremaa islanders’
- 17 June 2023
- Saaremaa excavations unearth Estonia’s oldest artifacts
- 13 May 2023
- Grant for the production of audiovisual material about the past of Saaremaa
- 29 April 2023
- 12 December 2022
- 22 November 2022
- International conference: Vikings before the Vikings
- News from the excavations: 20 August 2022
- News from the excavations: 19 August 2022
- News from the excavations: 15 August 2022
- International Conference of Sagas: 11 August 2022
- News from the excavations: 29 July 2022
- News from the excavations: 25 July 2022
- A possible shawl find
- News from the excavations: 19 July 2022
- ERR: News video of the archaeological excavations of Valjala hillfort
- News from the excavations: 18 May 2022
- 4 May 2022
- 30 March 2022
- News from the excavations: 15 September 2021
- News from the excavations: 14 September 2021
- News from the excavations: 18 August 2021
- News from the excavations: 14 August 2021
- Documentary series ‘The Vikings of Salme’
- The premiere of the documentary series ‘The Vikings of Salme’
- The video of the excavations at Valjala hillfort in the summer of 2021
- Entrepreneur donates €500,000 to support research into Saaremaa’s history
- Saaremaa in the Viking Age
- Archaeologists find rare gold bracelet in Saaremaa
- Hostages in the Baltic Crusades, Wars of Conquest and Cultural Exchange during the 12th and 13th Centuries
- Kaali: the legends and the findings
- 1979
- Gieselers
- 1974
- Bone artefacts at Latest Iron Age hillforts: on the basis of finds from Lõhavere, Soontagana, Varbola and Valjala
- Decorative pins of the merovingian and viking ages in Estonia: foreign and local.
- Viltina materials
- Viidumäe materials
- Tornimäe harbour site materials
- Saunamäe materials
- Salme ship burials materials
- Pöide hillfort
- Pöide
- Small addition to the composition of Piila silver treasury from Kaarma. (EST)
- Der Baukompex von Peude auf Ösel. Eine frühe Ordensburg mit einem Nachleben?
- Lepna materials
- Käku materials
- Karja materials
- Piila grave materials
- Piila graves
- Viltina grave
- Pöide church
- Bronze Age connections across the Baltic Sea. Discussing metalwork as source of maritime contacts in prehistory.
- Excavations at Pöide Stronghold have been finished.
- Investigation of Ancient Monuments at Pöide 1991-1992.
- Investigation of Pöide (Kahutsi) Ancient Monuments.
- 1991
- Die Ordensvogtei Poida. Publikationen des Vereins zur Kunde Ösels. (GER)
- 1891
- Report of the excavation of uncremated burial site of Viira at Muhu in 1962. (EST)
- 1964
- Additions to the Research of Farmhouses of Saaremaa.
- Archaeological apron finds from Estonia. (EST)
- Forschungen in Gebiet der Rauasaatmemäed von Tuiu in Saaremaa (Estland).
- About the excavation of underground uncremated burial site of Loona in Kihelkonna parish. (EST)
- The Lihulinn Sronghold in North-Western Saaremaa.
- Stone circle graves in Kurevere at Saaremaa.
- 1966
- Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia.
- The age of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters.
- 2000
- 1950
- Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish in 1.-29. VII. 1949. (EST)
- Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish. (EST)
- 1926
- Report on the excavation of a stone grave located on the north corner of the limestone quarry of Kilgiaugu in Käku village at Kaarma parish. (EST)
- 1948
- The specialty of West-Estonian folk costumes. (EST)
- 1976
- Regarding extended families of Hiiumaa. (EST)
- 1977
- Necrolivonica oder Alterthümer Liv-, Esth- und Curlands bis zur Einführung der Christlichen Religion in den Kaiserlich Russischen Ostsee-Gouvernements, zusammengestellt und historisch erläutert in einem Unterthänigsten Generalberichte über seine auf Allerhöchsten Befehl im Jahre 1839 ausgeführte archaeologische Untersuchungsreise nebst mehreren wissenschaftlichen Excursen und vielen Lithographien von Alterthümern, Plänen und Charten. (GER)
- 1842
- Mehrere für die ältere Geschichte Dänemarks und der Ostseeprovinzen wichtige, bisher bestrittene Urkunden d. X.-XIV. Jahrhunderts. (GER)
- 1846
- Jüri Peets: ‘There’s a great chance that the start of Viking age comes from England to Saaremaa. (EST)
- Who were the first Vikings of Baltic Sea region? (EST)
- The research of Salme boat burial unique in Europe is filled with mysteriums. (EST)
- Constructional and technological analysis of the Salme boat find.
- Probable stone grave burials of Upsi and Surnuaiamäe around Viidumäe area. (EST)
- Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Report of inspection and pilot excavations, 2015-2016. (EST)
- Sacrificial site of Mäepea at Viidumäe. Expert evaluation, report of inspection and pilot excavations. (EST)
- Osteological Analysis of Commingled and Fragmented Human Remains: Two Case Studies From 6th – 9th-century Saaremaa, Estonia.
- Viidumäe sacrificial site
- Firing the Salme incendiary arrow. (EST)
- A balcony, a toilet, or an external pulpit?
- St Catherine’s Church Muhu 750th
- ‘Sigtuna being burned to the ground’ in 1187, once again.
- About shared herding in Saaremaa. (EST)
- The historical sites of Saaremaa and Muhu from the start of feudalism. (EST)
- The historical monuments of Käku. Mapping of the monuments with archaeological and natural scientific methods.
- The Smithy site of Käku. Archaeology outdoors and indoors.
- Metallographic investigation of iron blooms and bars from the smithy site of Käku, Estonia.
- The smiths of Saaremaa knew their trade. (EST)
- The medieval and early modern smithy site of Käku.
- Käku graves
- 1962
- The Ancient Strongholds of Saaremaa.
- 1959
- Karja cemetery from the 13th-14th century in Saaremaa.
- 1958
- Additions to ethnography of Saaremaa from the end of 17th century (EST/GER)
- 1936
- Salme ship burials
- Livonian Chronicle of Henry (LAT / EST)
- 1982
- Estonia in 1200 AD
- Isotopic proveniencing of the Salme ship burials in pre-Viking Age Estonia.
- Animal Bones and Bone Artefacts from the Viking Age Site of Tornimäe in Saaremaa.
- Human remains, context, and place of origin for the Salme, Estonia, boat burials.
- Rescue excavations of a Vendel era boat-grave in Salme, Saaremaa.
- Archaeological investigations of Pre-Viking Age burial boat in Salme village at Saaremaa.
- Ristimäe stone grave on the island of Muhu.
- Buildings archaeological surveys at Maasi Castle on North-East Saaremaa.
- Additions to the early construction history of the Kuressaare bishop’s castle.
- About Püha Church, the Kaarma Vestry and about Bohemian Builders on Saaremaa. (EST)
- Archaeozoological Material of the First Salme Boat. (EST)
- About one weapon belonging to the end of Iron Age from Saaremaa, inland Estonia and neighboring areas. (EST)
- About the building history timeline of the Püha church. (EST)
- Traces of vikings in the history of Saaremaa
- Kaarma parsonage in Saaremaa – a local nobleman’s manor or a fortified dwelling of a conqueror?
- Names of the three towns of Saaremaa
- About the formation of the collection of objects of Saaremaa Museum. (EST)
- Rare viking age coin hoard at the Saaremaa Museum. (EST)
- About the formation of Kuressaare city. (EST)
- The formation of the archival collection of Saaremaa Museum. (EST)
- A few problems regarding the construction history of the Valjala and Kaarma churches. (EST)
- Mõningaid Valjala ja Kaarma kiriku ehitusloo probleeme.
- Archaeological sites and folklore of Muhu. (EST)
- The story of one noble family. Tuulingumäe tarand-grave at Tõnija. (EST)
- The formation of the borough of Kihelkonna. (EST)
- The outline of the harbor of Maasilinn. (EST)
- The small-leaved cult stones of Saaremaa I (catalog).
- Archival materials of Saaremaa at the Danish National Archive and their use. (EST)
- 1995
- Harbour sites in ritual landscape – the example of Viltina in southern Saaremaa.
- Scandinavian Late Viking Age Art Styles as a Part of the Visual Display of Warriors in 11th Century Estonia.
- 2012
- Traceless death. Missing burials in Bronze and Iron Age Estonia.
- Antler combs from Salme ship burials: find context, origin, dating and manufacture.
- The contribution of stray finds for studying everyday practices – the example of stone axes.
- The Bronze and Iron Ages in the Baltic Countries. (EST)
- Karja church – the smallest ‘cathedral’.
- From Rus’ Trade to Crusade: St Olaf’s Churches in the Eastern Baltic Sea Region.
- Archaeologists find rare gold bracelet in Saaremaa
- Entrepreneur donates €500,000 to support research into Saaremaa’s history
- Saaremaa in the Viking Age.
- The archaeological research of Osiliana is focused on the 13th century.
- Osiliana. I., Das Kriegswesen der alten Oeseler.
- 1868
- Osiliana III
- 1880
- Publikationen des Vereins zur Kunde Ösels.
- 1898
- 1927
- Tõll and his kinship
- Before the hill fort of Valjala was built Landing places and graves along the Lõve River in Saaremaa
- Early Christian burials at Valjala churchyard, Saaremaa
- Late Viking Age burial place and ritual deposits at Lööne, Saaremaa.
- Gold and Silver Artefacts From Saaremaa (EST)
- 2019
- Pre-Viking and early Viking Age sacrifical place at Viidumäe, eastern Saaremaa
- Local shape, foreign decoration. Shared cultural values in dress pins from the Viidumäe sacrificial site on Saaremaa.
- Archaeological fieldwork at Viidumäe cult site
- The origin of Rus’ and the question of Balto-Finnic role in this process.
- 2016
- Research by author
- Saaremaa – the prehistorical and medieval Kure island (Kuresaar). (EST)
- New Additions to the Research of Farmhouses of Saaremaa. (EST)
- Estonian Viking-Age Penannular Brooches and Ornament.
- Regions and Centres. Population in the End of the Prehistorical and in the Early Medieval Saaremaa, According to the Archaeological, Anthropogeographical and Historical Sources.
- At the Crossroads of Space and Time. Graves, Changing Society and Ideology on Saaremaa (Ösel), 9th–13th centuries AD.
- On the mutual relationship between late prehistoric Saaremaa and the Livs.
- Changing Connections, Changing Society. Burial Rites on Iron Age Saaremaa.
- Prehistory on Saaremaa 600 – 1227. (EST)
- Prehistory on Saaremaa 1500 BC – 600 AD.
- Collectivity versus individuality: the warrior ideology of Iron Age burial rites on Saaremaa.
- Trade, war and the diversity of rituals at late prehistoric harbour sites on Saaremaa.
- Viking Age and early medieval Eastern Baltic between the West and the East.
- Corporate power structures as indicated in archaeological evidence: the case of Estonia in the Middle Iron Age and Viking Age.
- Late prehistoric societies and burials in the Eastern Baltic.
- Societies East and West of the Baltic Sea: prehistoric culture contacts revisited.
- Pre-Christian maritime societies in the Eastern Baltic.
- Political Centres or Nodal Points in Trade Networks? Estonian Hillforts Before and After the Thirteenth-century Conquest.
- 1984
- 1990
- 1994
- 1996
- 1997
- 1999
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- 2018
- 2020
- Cemetery of Karja: drawings
- Prehistorical Harbors of Saaremaa – Viltina. (EST)
- Report on preliminary archaeological excavations at the surrounding area of Valjala stronghold. (EST)
- …Ships are their main strength.” Harbour sites, arable lands and chieftains on Saaremaa.
- Facing the Sea
- Viking Age harbour site at Tornimäe, eastern Saaremaa.
- Archaeological Excavations at Tõnija Tuulingumäe, Saaremaa.
- Excavations at Tõnija Tuulingumäe Tarand-Grave Will Be Continued.
- Probable cult site beside the Tõnija tarand-grave on the Island of Saaremaa.
- Archaeological fieldwork around Tõnija and Rõõsa on Southern Saaremaa.
- The Beginning of the Viking Age at Saaremaa. (EST)
- Summary of the Excavations at Saunamäe. (EST)
- Archaeological excavations at Bronze Age grave and 6th – 10th century cult site at Saunamäe, Tõnija-Põlluküla, southern Saaremaa.
- The Burial and Cult Site of Saunamäe. Report on the Excavations of 2012-2014. (EST)
- Archaeological Excavations of Pöide (Kahutsi) Stronghold in 1990. (EST)
- Report on the 1992 Excavations of Pöide Stronghold. (EST)
- New Stone Circle Graves at Piila Cemetery, Saaremaa.
- Cemetery of Karja. (EST)
- The Mortuary House at Lepna on Southern Saaremaa
- Stone graves and mortuary houses. The development of burial rites on Iron Age Saaremaa. (EST)
- Mortuary houses in Iron Age Estonia.
- Kaali and Cultural Landscape. The Echo of the Meteorite Hit in Archaeology and Folklore. (EST)
- Kaali complex of antiquities, Pihtla parish, Saaremaa. Special Conditions of the National Heritage Board. (EST)
- Map of Cultural Monuments: Kaali
- Map of Excavations Around Kaali’s Meteorite Crater. (EST)
- Archaeological pass of Kaali. (EST)
- Viltina harbour site
- Valjala church
- Tornimäe harbour site
- Tõnija Tuulingumäe’ Cult Site
- Saunamäe grave and cult site
- Kaali
- Karja cemetery
- Lepna mortuary house
- Viking Age Graveyard at Piila, Saaremaa
- Pöide materials
- 1993